M A T H B A C K G R O U N D Scientific Notation Significant Figures Conversion of Units Logarithmic Scales Proportionality Statements Circular and Spherical Geometry P R A C T I C A L A S T R O N O M Y Declination and Right Ascension Telescope Diagrams Light Gathering Power Resolving Power Constellations Greek Letters P H Y S I C S B A C K G R O U N D Velocity Space Velocity Subatomic Particles Atomic Notation Primary Forces Conservation of Energy Conservation of Momentum L I G H T Frequency versus Wavelength Spectral Lines Peak Wavelength Lorentz Transformations Doppler Redshift Gravitational Redshift S T A R S H-R Diagram Stellar Stucture Stellar Magnitudes Flux / Luminosity Cons. of Magnetic Flux PP Fusion Cycle CNO Fusion Cycle Cephid Variables RR Lyrae P E R I O D I C M O T I O N Period of rotation (day) Period of revolution (year) G R A V I T Y Density Gravitational Force Escape Velocity Schwarzschild Radius D I S T A N C E I N D I C A T O R S Parallax Spectroscopic Parallax Doppler Redshift